For more information on starting an SVDP Conference at your parish, or volunteering with an existing one, contact us at or (410) 662-0500.

Society of St. Vincent de Paul Council Board

  • Alan Pultyniewicz, President/Chair
  • Michael Roanhouse, Vice-President
  • Cynthia Halloran, Secretary
  • Yvonne Taylor, Treasurer
  • John Schiavone, President/CEO
  • Fr. Harry Arnone, Council Spiritual Advisor
  • Theresa Petrungaro
  • Kathy Schiek
  • Myrna Stuart
  • Darleen Thomas
  • Karen Whittington
  • Rochelle Woodland
  • Adam Novotny

A Network of Support

“A network of friends, inspired by Gospel values, growing in holiness and building a more just world through personal relationships with and service to people in need.”

Formed in 1865, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Archdiocese of Baltimore, District Council of Baltimore provides a network of charity serving in a spirit of charity, humility, and friendship. The Society leads women and men to join together to grow spiritually by offering person-to-person service to neighbors in need and suffering from the effects of poverty. The Archdiocese of Baltimore, Baltimore District Council comprises the City of Baltimore and Allegany, Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Carroll, Frederick, Garrett, Harford, Howard and Washington Counties.

In the tradition of its founder, Blessed Frédéric Ozanam, and patron, St. Vincent de Paul, this approach to volunteer service harkens back to the very beginning days of the international Society of St. Vincent de Paul. In 1833, founder Frederick Ozanam was a pioneer in leading others in service to the materially poor in Paris, France, visiting families in their homes and offering food, coal for heat, and other support. What distinguished that service was the high level of respect and dignity extended to those being served.

Member volunteers are called “Vincentians” the heart of the work of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. All Vincentians possess an awareness that our blessings (time, talent, and treasure) are to be shared with our neighbors in need. Our founding activity, still practiced today, working face-to-face and encountering neighbors in need to change lives for the better. Vincentian members establish personal relationships; not only providing material assistance such as rent, utilities, food, or clothing, but also offering friendship, understanding, and prayer.

Today, there are 32 Conferences within the Archdiocese of Baltimore District Council with more than 700 volunteer members. The Conference is the organizational unit of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul; commonly organized at local parishes. Through the tireless efforts of Baltimore District Council volunteer Vincentian members; local parish conferences provided $1,738,150 in financial assistance, $335,452 in food assistance, and other support to more than 34,906 persons throughout the Archdiocese of Baltimore regardless of race, religion, or ethnicity. The Baltimore District Council supports Conferences with systemic change strategies. Systemic change is going beyond addressing the immediate needs of poverty; instead, it is about partnering with the poor to identify the root causes of their poverty and remove the barriers to overcome poverty.

Featured Story

The Church of the Resurrection/St. Paul Conference

The Church of the Resurrection/St. Paul Conference in Ellicott City serves people in need residing in Howard County, Maryland. Their building is open three days a week to provide groceries from their food pantry, financial assistance for utilities, and—most importantly—a kind, non-judgmental community.
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The Church of the Resurrection/St. Paul Conference

List of SVDP Conferences

  • Anne Arundel County

    Holy Family

    Most Holy Redeemer @ St. Mary’s

    St. Andrew by the Bay 

    St. Josephine Bakhita @ Christ the King
    Glen Burnie

    St. John – Severna Park 
    Severna Park

  • Baltimore City

    New All Saints
    Gwynn Oak

    St. Ambrose
    Central Park Heights

    St. Anthony of Padua/Most Precious Blood

    St. Cecilia/Immaculate Conception

    St. Dominic 
    Hamilton Hills

    St. Francis Xavier

    St. Mary the Assumption

    St. Peter Claver/St. Pius V 

    Shrine of the Little Flower 

    St. Veronica
    Cherry Hill

  • Baltimore County

    Holy Family

    Immaculate Heart of Mary 

    Sacred Heart

    St. Clement

    St. Isaac Jogues

    St. Joseph – Fullerton
    Perry Hall

    St. Mark 

    St. Michael the Archangel

    St. Rita 

    St. Ursula

  • Carroll County

    St. John – Westminster

    St. Joseph Catholic Community

  • Frederick County

    Our Lady Grace

    St. John – Frederick

    St. Teresa of Calcutta

    St. Timothy

  • Howard County

    Church of the Resurrection – St. Paul
    Ellicott City

    Our Lady of Perpetual Help
    Ellicott City

    St. John – Columbia


  • Washington County

    St. Mary 

    St. Peter